Sunday, July 21, 2013

On a boat (yo)

Today I went boating with my mom and step father.  Usually these trips include my sisters and my older sister's family, but today it was just me.  It felt like a private cruise.

Here is a selfy I took as we left Boston Harbor

Not the cutest picture, but they never are, are they?

We headed up the coast to Salem, MA where we docked.  There were several beautiful houses along the way.  Particularly in Marblehead

That's Marblehead.

And here's an island that I can only imagine is the color it is due to copious amounts of bird shit.  Sorry. I am who I am:

See all the white?  That ain't snow.

I wish I took more pictures, I meant to, but the boat has a way of making me sleepy and today was no exception.  The problem with the privacy of this cruise was the absence of other people my mom could talk to.  So she was talking my ear off while I tried to sleep.  It's ok.  I love her anyway.  Even though she would. not. shut. her. piehole.   

We docked in Salem MA to walk around.  We hit a few cute shops and an awesome thrift store (where I would have spent more time but I was feeling pressure from my mom and step father to leave- not their thing like it's mine).

On our way out we saw Billy Costa's boat.  I tried to peer in to see the famous throw pillows and duvet covers, but decided I was being creepy enough by looking for it in the first place.   I did take a picture though:

Pretty fancy.  If you aren't from Boston, you probably wouldn't know who he is, but I have to say I love him.  

Then we rode home.  I spent a little time up front enjoying the cool air (finally the heat wave is over!)

Gorgeous day on a gorgeous boat!  Thanks Mom and D!!!

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